We all understand how many megabytes your holiday pictures require or that High Definition video runs in the Gigabytes, but in the world of Big Data deals with a lot more data than we are used to. How do you explain how much does an Exabyte hold or even a Zettabyte? In addition, how do we store all that data? This infographic, developed by datascience@berkley, shows some real-life examples to help explain the scope of data.
We all understand how many megabytes your holiday pictures require or that High Definition video runs in the Gigabytes, but in the world of Big Data deals with a lot more data than we are used to. How do you explain how much does an Exabyte hold or even a Zettabyte? In addition, how do we store all that data? This infographic, developed by datascience@berkley, shows some real-life examples to help explain the scope of data. They have also included a timeline of hard drive innovation and a glimpse at where the data storage industry is heading.
Brought to you by datascience@berkeley: Master of Information and Data Science