What do you want to see at useR 2012?

2 Min Read

This year’s useR! conference at Warwick University is less than a week away, but planning is already underway for useR! 2012, to be held at Vanderbilt University in Nashville. If you’re planning to attend, conference organizer Frank Harrell is looking for your input:

This year’s useR! conference at Warwick University is less than a week away, but planning is already underway for useR! 2012, to be held at Vanderbilt University in Nashville. If you’re planning to attend, conference organizer Frank Harrell is looking for your input:

The 2012 R User Conference – useR! 2012 – will be held in Nashville Tennessee USA, June 12-15, 2012 on the campus of Vanderbilt University.  We would like to begin estimating the number of attendees, their area of interest, and the number seeking hotel vs. lower-cost housing.  If you are likely to attend useR!2012 please go to the following link to answer two questions: https://redcap.vanderbilt.edu/surveys/?s=2wiqWo

There are many fun things to do in Nashville — Music City USA — around the time of the meeting. Vanderbilt is 2.2 miles (3.5 km) from the center of the action.

The survey takes less than a minute to fill out, so click the link below now if you’re planning to be at useR! 2012.

Vanderbilt University: useR! 2012 Participant Survey

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