We’ve got great analytics: accurate data, precise semantic filtering, and sophisticated dimensions that reveal consumer views on loyalty, quality and price consideration. And now we are introducing a way for you to monitor and track your key social media indicators and correlate your social media analytics with other business intelligence.
We’ve got great analytics: accurate data, precise semantic filtering, and sophisticated dimensions that reveal consumer views on loyalty, quality and price consideration. And now we are introducing a way for you to monitor and track your key social media indicators and correlate your social media analytics with other business intelligence. We’ve called it CI:View and it is a dashboard, which can be configured to automatically update with social media metrics critical to your business. Here’s a video that highlights the capabilities of CI:View by displaying data from different social media platforms (twitter, blogs, boards, facebook) over the course of 12 months (2/8/10-2/9/11) of several different “employment states”. The employment states were defined as:
- “Can’t Find A Job” looks for variations of people talking about actively searching for a job but being still unable too find one.
- “Got A Job” looks for people talking about getting a new job, getting hired recently, etc.
- “Got Let Go” looks for all the ways people talk about being let go, laid off, or fired.
- “Underemployed” looks for variations of people complaining about being underpaid, overqualified, only being able to find part-time/contractor work, etc.
You can also read more about our new product in the CI:View product sheet or watch the video