Tag: social media

Business Intelligence and Social Media

You are probably wondering what the social media and business intelligence connection…

Editor SDC Editor SDC 1 Min Read

15 Things You Should Be Doing for Social Media Success

Here are a few things to consider to drive social media success.1…

SundeepKapur1 SundeepKapur1 3 Min Read

Q&A with Radian6′s Lauren Vargas from our Recent Webinar

Social CRM has just gone from being a buzz word to being…

AkinArikan AkinArikan 9 Min Read

The Great Rift

I recently read a great article about social collaboration in the enterprise…

JimHarris JimHarris 7 Min Read

Twitter, Meaningful Conversations, and #FollowFriday

In social media, one of the most common features of social networking…

JimHarris JimHarris 7 Min Read

From Search to Share: How Google can win in the Social Age

Google is one of the great success stories of internet age. Given…

hkotadia1 hkotadia1 4 Min Read

How to Drive Results Quickly…

1) Understand your Customers Don't assume your previous customer insights hold true,…

SundeepKapur1 SundeepKapur1 4 Min Read

Why Social Media will drive adoption of SaaS CRM

SaaS CRM (Software as a Service) has been around for a while. Salesforce.com, one…

hkotadia1 hkotadia1 5 Min Read