Rock Paper Scissors – Market Decision Making
"The key to good decision making is not knowledge. It is understanding.…
Why Do Once Successful Companies Fail?
How can one explain why seemingly successful companies, like Wang Labs and…
Open Source is Opening Data to Predictive Analytics
The R Project: despite there being over 2 million users of this…
Intelligent Enterprise: You Can Predict that R Will Succeed
Analyst David Stodder at Intelligent Enterprise also noted the activity around R at…
Predictive Analytics: 8 Things to Keep in Mind (Part 3)
Theme 3: Integrating third-party data into predictive analysis This is the third…
Predictive Analytics: 8 Things to Keep in Mind (Part 1)
I, along with two of my colleagues (Anand Rao & Dick Findlay),…
First Look – FICO Xpress and Business Rules
Optimization is a mathematical process for finding the best decision for a…