The Benefits of Outsourcing Your IoT Research and Development
The Internet of Things is changing almost every industry. Gartner reports that…
Why Big Data Analytics is The Next Big Opportunity for Outsourcing Companies
Big Data Analytics is making big headlines these days. Just check out…
The Cloud’s Role in Standardizing Business Processes
A few months ago, I wrote a post about cloud computing's possible…
Forget outsourcing, it’s all about co-learning these days
Whenever we hear about an engagement involving a service provider, the immediate…
Globalizing the business is the key to outsourcing today
As we discussed last week, it's clear that many companies will continue…
SaaS: Outsourcing out-of-control?
SaaS is effectively the same as outsourcing - you're handing control over…
Think before you fire: The cost of replacing IT talent
There’s currently a certain sense of déjà-vu within the IT community, as…