What Are OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) Tools?
Data science is both a rewarding and challenging profession. One study found…
Seven Drawbacks of Traditional OLAP
In 1993, E.F. Codd, the acknowledged founder of relational databases, introduced the…
OLAP Cask Principle Reveals the Future for OLAP Tools Manufacturer
This post is originally posted on http://it.toolbox.com/blogs/data-analytics/olap-cask-principle-reveals-the-future-for-olap-tools-manufacturer-54044. This post is originally posted…
Interactive Analytics and OLAP – Part III
In the part II of interactive analytics and OLAP, we left a question: Can the narrowed OLAP be used to complete the computation process as follows (marketing and sales data analysis)? In the part II of interactive analytics and OLAP, we left a question: Can the narrowed OLAP be used to complete the computation process as follows (marketing and sales data analysis)?The first…
Business Analytics vs. Business Intelligence
I used to be one that thought the term "data mining" would…
OLAP is Dead (Long Live Analytics)
The term OLAP or Online Analytic Processing was coined in 1993 by…