Page 7 of Facebook’s 213-page S-1 filing for their record-breaking IPO includes the following chart, under the headline: “Our Mission: To make the world more open and connected”.
Page 7 of Facebook’s 213-page S-1 filing for their record-breaking IPO includes the following chart, under the headline: “Our Mission: To make the world more open and connected”.
This chart was created using the R language and Hadoop by Facebook intern Paul Butler. (Thanks to the blog IOER Tools for first noticing the inclusion of the chart.)
And speaking of R charts appearing in widely-read places, the latest issue of the prestigious science journal Nature includes several charts created in R in an article on the evolution of the nematode C. elegans. Hadley Wickham, author of the ggplot2 package, noted that his package was used to create one of the charts.