The True Value of the Private Cloud [INFOGRAPHIC]

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It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s your private cloud! Right now it is all about the cloud, but not all clouds are created equal. The public cloud may fit your business, but is it providing the most value to your company? Companies who choose to move to a private cloud frequently experience improvements in three areas:

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s your private cloud! Right now it is all about the cloud, but not all clouds are created equal. The public cloud may fit your business, but is it providing the most value to your company? Companies who choose to move to a private cloud frequently experience improvements in three areas:

  • Employee agility
  • Operational performance
  • Financial growth

The infographic below breaks down the most common reasons that companies choose to move to private clouds, as well as changes they experience that lead to agility gains, operational gains, and overall cost savings for the company.

Why move to a private cloud?

Of all the benefits that the private cloud has to offer companies, there are five main drivers that impact a company’s decision to move to a private cloud:

  1. Gains in agility and speed
  2. Reduces company costs
  3. Improves overall service quality
  4. Moving aligns with company initiatives and plans
  5. Increases in data security

While cost is definitely a contributing factor for companies when it comes to deciding to move to the private cloud, the most important factor is agility and speed. Of companies that have moved to the private cloud, 58% did so specifically for the increased agility and speed they greatly needed. Still skeptical that agility and speed is the key deciding factor in many company’s decision process? Well, top independent research company, Gartner, reports that businesses value private cloud agility and speed above all other potential benefits that private clouds offer companies.

It’s not just about speed

While agility and speed may be the key deciding factor when it comes to businesses making the step up into their own private cloud, it is definitely not the only benefit that they see once they move there. By a business getting their hosting environment up and running 92% faster than if they were to choose an on-premises solution, companies can reach their customers quicker and close sales faster than a speeding bullet. As a result of increased company agility, employees are able to spend more time focusing on customer service and product innovation. As each layer builds upon the last, companies quickly begin to see both operational and financial growth.

Value of Private Cloud Hosting Infographic

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