Dive Brief:
- Evernote recently completed its full migration to the Google Cloud Platform in only 70 days, an effort that can easily take as long as 9 to 12 months, according to the company’s blog post.
Dive Brief:
- Evernote recently completed its full migration to the Google Cloud Platform in only 70 days, an effort that can easily take as long as 9 to 12 months, according to the company’s blog post.
- The company says it moved 5 billion notes and 5 billion attachments — a total of more than 3 petabytes of data — to its new cloud infrastructure hosted on Google. To make the move work, the company started by transporting a few items at a time before starting to move larger portions of data once it was sure the process was secure.
- Evernote compared the move to the cloud to moving to a new home: “It’s built on a much stronger foundation, sits on a larger lot, comes with new plumbing, and even has an upgraded alarm system. Overall, it’s a much better place to live.”
Dive Insight:
Evernote said it accomplished the move with minimal impact on customers, an important feat in today’s business environment. In fact, the company said the move to the cloud was precipitated by just that: allowing Evernote to spend more time responding to customers instead of worrying about their infrastructure.
Like many other companies, Evernote realized it could save time and resources by not relying on its home grown hosting infrastructure. Freeing up staff, the company can now work on innovating in other areas.
In fact, that’s a key point driving digital transformation. If cloud and other technologies can help companies deliver innovative new features to their customers faster, it can help create the competitivedifferentiators company’s need to excel.
This post originally appeared on our sister publication, CIO Dive. Our mission is to provide busy professionals like you with a bird’s-eye-view of the Information Technology industry in 60 seconds. To subscribe to our daily newsletter click here.