As a reader of you are aware of the interesting situation we face with data today: The amount of data being created is growing faster than humans can analyze, but fast analysis over data can help humanity solve some very tough challenges. This fact is moving the globe towards new “Big Data” solutions.
Government use of Big Data is of particular note.
The government has special abilities to focus research in areas like Health Sciences, Economics, Law Enforcement, Defense, Geographic Studies, Environmental Studies, Bioinformatics, and Computer Security. Each of those can be well served by Big Data approaches. There are also many areas of direct government service to citizens which can benefit from Big Data solutions. Today’s citizen is being served with government information faster than ever before, thanks to Hadoop-based solutions like those at
Shortly put: Big Data innovation in and around governments holds great promise of enhancing our lives.
Last year CTOvision sponsored the first “Government Big Data Solutions Award” to help highlight some of the best solutions to Big Data challenges in the government space. We are doing the same this year, with the goal of highlighting government solutions to help share lessons learned and continue to accelerate successful innovation.
We are seeking nominations which highlight best practices in solving Big Data challenges, especially those built around the Apache Hadoop framework of solutions.
Award winners will be written up in our online technology reviews at and published in the Government Big Data Newsletter. A presentation of awards is also being planned for Fall 2012.
Please let us know of government solutions you believe are worth of recognition. Candidates from industry and government are being sought. Selection of the top five nominees and an overall winner will be by a panel of judges made up of industry and government Big Data experts which include Doug Cutting (creator of Hadoop), Alan Wade (former government CIO), Chris Dorobek (leading government journalist and publisher of the , and Ed Granstedt (industry leading federal sector technologist).
To nominate a solution see:

This post by BobGourley was first published at