By AlexOlesker
Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news:
By AlexOlesker
Here is today’s federal cybersecurity and information technology news:
- Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano admitted to avoiding most online services including email, commenting that “Some would call me a Luddite.” More here.
- Of 27 government agencies reviewed by the Government Accountability Office, only 11 had fully or partially established metrics for assessing their enterprise architectures and only five have fully or partially measured outcomes and benefits. More here.
- Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the film maker behind the controversial “Innocence of Muslims” which sparked worldwide protest, has been jailed for violating his probation for past fraud charges by using a computer. More here.
- University of Illinois professor Sheldon Jacobson and American University professor Allan Lichtman used separate Big Data analytics platforms to predict that Obama would win the 2012 election. More here.
- The Central Intelligence Agency has publicly released its collection of online maps of 75 countries and world regions with information on world political leaders. More here.
- Department of Justice use of pen register and trap-and-trace warrantless internet and telephone surveillance methods has increased by 600% over the last decade. More here.’
- Despite concerns over electronics supply chain vulnerabilities, the Department of Defense refuses to adopt rigid supply chain countermeasures. More here.
- The National Science Foundation has awarded $50 million to over 70 research projects focused on cybersecurity. More here.
- Government agencies and utilities are being targeted in a campaign of “waterhole” attacks where infected websites redirect visitors to malicious servers. More here.
- In-Q-Tel, the Central Intelligence Agency venture capital wing, is funding technology to provide vulnerability scanning and monitoring tools for intelligence and defense networks. More here.
- Sean Kanuck, national intelligence officer for the National Intelligence Council, called on the private sector to share more cyber attack information with federal agencies. More here.
- Rear Admiral Samuel Cox, the director of intelligence for Cyber Command, echoed accusations that China is targeting the Department of Defense with cyber attacks and cyber espionage. More here.