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I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at Ben Kunz’s “Modest Blogging Proposal” column in BusinessWeek. He leads with:…
Best of 2008: Engagement
Yesterday’s post covered Innovative Techniques to help you plan your 2009 Campaigns; today’s discusses Engagement Strategies. We have quite a…
Curt Monash Analyzes the Text Analytics Market
Curt Monash recently shared his views of the text analytics market through his blog and a slide presentation that he’s…
ParAccel actually uses relatively little PostgreSQL code
I often find it hard to write about ParAccel’s technology, for a variety of reasons: With occasional exceptions, ParAccel is…
Where “semantic” technology is or isn’t important
At Lynda Moulton’s behest, I spoke a couple of times recently on the subject of where “semantic” technology is or…
Control of attention is the ultimate individual power
I must have been asleep at the RSS reader a couple of weeks ago, because I missed this gem in ”Lost…
Ten examples of SOA at work, circa 2008
SOA methodologies were put to work for a range of jobs in 2008, from speeding up mergers to mainframe/legacy integration…
It’s the Attention, Stupid
One of the mistakes we often make in our quest for economic reductionism is to assume that all value can…
Jim Schaper Prepares Infor for the Downturn
Last week Infor CEO Jim Schaper called us to discuss how he is repositioning his company for the gloomy economy. He…
Best of 2008: Innovation
It’s only natural to use this last week of the year to reflect, plan and set goals for the next…