Predictions Gone Wrong
"Two years from now, spam will be solved."This was a quote from Bill Gates in 2004; unfortunately Bill got that…
SOA repositories pave the way for financial mergers
We’ve been speculating that SOA and integration proponents would be kept very busy with all the shotgun weddings and all…
What Data Governance leaders have in common around the world
I admit it. I’m old. At least I’m old enough that we didn’t have cell phones when I was in…
When Your Staff Turns Against You with Social Media
We know by now that not everything in the social media space is positive. Not everyone out there is going…
Autonomy acquires Interwoven: Felix Nube
Emperor Maximilian I of Habsburg cultivated the motto, “Bella gerant alii, tu felix Austria nube” (What others achieve by war,…
President 2.0
We’ve been bombarded with articles, television and web coverage tied to the elections for months, but the most appropriate quote…
A Warm Reception for “Reconsidering Relevance”
I am proud to report that the “Reconsidering Relevance” presentation has been enjoying a warm reception: SlideShare: made top (most…
Steve Ballmer and Cloud Computing
In this video Steve Ballmer shares some views on Cloud Computing and helps shed some light on why what we…
Are You the Man in My Jacket?
So picture this. You’re in a cafe and in walks a man (or woman) that you just feel you have…