Of Protocols and Programmers
A few weeks ago, I reflected on how there seemed to be a lack of social community related to clinical…
The Next Industry Headlines
I was recently honored to be asked to serve on the Editorial Advisory Board of Pharmaceutical Executive magazine. A few…
Dig this
This week's guest blog post comes to use from David Handelsman, Life Sciences Business Solutions Manager at SAS. You can…
Safety in Numbers
A few weeks ago I was interviewed by Bio-IT World magazine for an article about trends in drug safety. The…
Mary and Alice
As I was having lunch the other day, I overheard a conversation between two lovely women in their late 60's. …
SIA: Balancing Act — Email & Social Media
Like all of you, we’ve seen articles, posts and comments about the balancing act between email and social media –…
Traditional Media with a Social Media Message
I’ve talked about how I believe companies need to start integrating their social media and traditional media efforts. I wanted…
Four important SOA metrics that need to be watched
One of the challenges of seeing ROI from SOA is failure to measure. Many SOA projects are launched in which…
It’s OK To Tweet
The other day, Owen Thomas at Valleywag smirked about the audience at Times Open that “sat and Twittered instead of…