Users Will Pay For Content–And Not Just iTunes
Saul Hansell writes in his post “Why Are iPhone Users Willing to Pay for Content?“: What’s most interesting is how…
Safety in Numbers
A few weeks ago I was interviewed by Bio-IT World magazine for an article about trends in drug safety. The…
Mary and Alice
As I was having lunch the other day, I overheard a conversation between two lovely women in their late 60's. …
The X Factor
For those that might have missed it, a very interesting industry challenge was announced this week. The X Prize Foundation…
Happy Holidays
As opposed to finishing up the year with a top 10 list or some serious topic, let me just say…
Feels SOA good
Tired of trying to tie data together with the electronic equivalent of bailing wire? A blog post this week contained…
The Extended Family
Since I’ve joined SAS, something has been bothering me: where is the community orientation to SAS macros and other programs? …
CDISC: The Road Ahead
This week's guest blog post comes to use from David Handelsman, Life Sciences Business Solutions Manager at SAS. You can…
Strange Bedfellows
One of my earlier posts this month reflected on how one industry (gaming) offers some guiding opportunities for healthcare. I…
More than a spelling error
An interesting and thought-provoking comment came to me this week over Twitter from a user who was reading about the…