Lots of Search News Today!
I try not to write posts that are just cut-and-paste from Techmeme, but it’s hard to resist a trio like…
Zen and the Art of Change Management
Zen, a school of Mahāyāna Buddhism, emphasizes experiential Prajñā (wisdom and understanding of the Buddha nature within) which is realized through meditation and mindfulness…
Ensuring quality data from service providers
For those of us that have lived, eaten, and slept with data quality and data management it is hard to…
Norbert Fuhr’s Probability Ranking Principle for Interactive Information Retrieval
The other day, I was talking with someone about the challenges of evaluating interactive information retrieval (IIR) systems, and he…
Pooh, Data Analyst
Obviously Data Quality is an important issue. But so is good communication and having a good data analyst around!After story…
Access Denied
Think back to the early part of this decade… you probably worked for a company that restricted internet access, either…
Public Expression, Liability, and Anonymity
A colleague just sent me a link to a story about a Twitter user being sued for a tweet. At…
It’s not a full-duplex world
I remember buying my first speaker phone. I had them in my office of course but I needed one for…
Will Browsers Ship With Ad Blockers?
A while ago, I wrote a post entitled “Think Evil” in which I mused that: A few years ago, when…
Mad Men Yourself
Confession time! I’m a huge fan of AMC’s Mad Men; create your own avatars and a good viral marketing campaign……