CTOlabs.com Assessment on “Hadoop for Intelligence Analysis”
CTOlabs.com, a subsidiary of the technology research, consulting and services firm Crucial Point LLC&
The Technology of VoltDB
VoltDB is a company fielding a technology designed by DBMS pioneer Mike Stonebraker.
How Open is Too Open?
If you’re in the technology or information management spaces, you’ve probably heard the axiom “Information wants to be free.” While…
Making the Right Choice – Agile vs. Waterfall
Trying to decide whether to stay with Waterfall or make the move to Agile on your next project? There are…
MongoDB, BI and non-Relational Databases
A chat with Max Schireson, President of 10gen makers of MongoDB (from humongous database), yesterday provided some food for thought…
Web Content Management: An Open and Closed Case?
When it comes to your options for a WCM vendor, one of the first decisions you will need to make…
Information Availability: Exploiting the Full Value of Information to Drive Business
Year after year, analyst survey results show that CIOs view their top priority to be aligning with business strategy and…
Just started an open-source-data-vault-model project on SourceForge.net. I’ve already uploaded 4 or 5 sample models that should be considered “working…
Predictive Analytics World New York City Conference Announces Speaker Line-Up
New York City, NY – Predictive Analytics World, the business-focused event for predictive analytics professionals, managers and commercial practitioners, today…