SDC @ Strata – Doug Cutting on Hadoop, Apache and Open Source
Doug Cutting addressed the Wednesday plenary audience for 10 minutes and spoke about Hadoop. He carries the title of "Architect"…
Beyond Hadoop – Completing the Big Data Picture
It's increasingly clear that Big Data is not just about volume — but also the variety, complexity and velocity of…
Do You Have a Marketing Attribution Problem?
On a recent webinar, Rob Bronson from Forrester Research pointed out that 45% of Big Data implementations are in marketing. …
What Is a Data Scientist (and What Isn’t)?
The perception among organizations over the past five years is that more quantitative methods, with or without Big Data, are…
Business Intelligence – The Power of Human Emotion
2011 was noted as the year that demonstrated the "power of the human emotion.” It was the year where human…
An Analysis of A NASA Dbase Hack-and-Dump
This is just another in a long string of NASA security breaches
Big Data: Will Open Source Software Challenge BI & Analytics Software Vendors
Predictive Analytics has been billed as the next big thing for almost fifteen years, but hasn’t gained mass acceptance so…
A Swarm of Nano Quadrotors: The flying robot video you absolutely must watch
As you watch the video below you can form your own conclusions about this natural evolution of robotics. But I’ll…
Improving Hadoop Performance with Optimization, CDH3 Update 3, and CDH4
Mahout is a machine learning library that will be included in CDH4