The Amazon Effect: Zuora, Citrix and the Acceleration of the Cloud Economy
When Amazon started making their infrastructure and IT processes available outside the company firewall in 2006 it was a tipping…
What Is Hadoop? Here is a 101 with Mike Olson
Every technologist I know has been working to learn more about Hadoop. I bet you are already somewhat familiar with…
IBM Makes Big Data Deal for Vivisimo and Supports Cloudera Hadoop
Through a series of acquisitions and organic development over the last five years, IBM has established itself as a leader…
Datameer Provides End-user Focused BI Solutions for Big Data Analytics
Datameer provides a big data solution that focuses on perhaps the most important niche in this growing domain, the end-user.…
Facebook’s Response to Yahoo’s Patent Lawsuit
Like many in tech, I believe all software patents should be abolished. That said, I think Facebook made the right…
The Fallacy of the Data Scientist Shortage
There is no question that the USA (in fact, most of the world) would be well-served with more quantitatively capable…
R and Hadoop: Step-by-step Tutorials
At the recent Big Data Workshop held by the Boston Predictive Analytics group, airline analyst and R user Jeffrey Breen gave a step-by-step…
3 Ways ‘Big Data Analytics’ Will Change Enterprise Performance Management
Success of companies – big or small – will increasingly depend on their ability to capture, analyze and gain insights…
Proctor & Gamble – A Case Study in Business Analytics
Best-in-Class Analytics Innovation Case Study…Interesting article about P&G and Business Analytics from InformationWeek, Feb 6, 2012. Illustrates the way Business…