SAS ODS Report Writing Interface: A Quick Demo
I personally nominated SAS ODS Report Writing Interface as one of the best technologies I found in SAS in 2012.…
Why Business Intelligence Software Is Failing Business
Business intelligence software is supposed to help businesses access and analyze data and communicate analytics and metrics. I have witnessed…
New Trends in BI, Analytics and Social Media
What’s Missing From Your BI?This week? Two things: What’s Missing From Your BI?This week? Two things:First, a real understanding of…
InfusionSoft Buys GroSocial – Another Sign of the Times
My January column for CRM magazine focused on why I thought 2013 would be the year marketing automation went mainstream…
Technologies and Analyses in CBS’ Person of Interest
Person of Interest is a broadcast television show on CBS where a “machine” predicts a person most likely to die…
Analyzing Logs and More – A Big Data Architecture
Big data and log files Splunk's great success in providing the tools for a sysadmin to delve into previously inaccessible…
Decision Automation: How To Augment Predictive Analytics with Human Intelligence
This article examines the perfect combination of automated decisioning with advanced analytics and the human interaction.Let’s start with a simple…
The Real Value of Big Data
HADOOP FOR BIG DATA HADOOP FOR BIG DATAAround 80% of data from “big data” is unstructured. With this massive quantity…
Big Data Trees with Hadoop HDFS
Last month's release of Revolution R Enterprise 6.1 added the capability to fit decision and regresson trees on large data…
Technology Change Reaps Rewards
How Blazed a New TrailTechnology enables change, and change drives success. We measure success in terms of change: increases,…