Is Analytics-Based Performance Management Art, Craft or Science?
When visiting Rome as a tourist how can anyone not admire the incredible structural achievements of Italian sculptors, artists and…
Squealer Pig’s Persuasive (Mis)Use of Statistics
Animal Farm’s Squealer Pig was always proficient at rattling off compelling statistics on productivity, output and more. And from the…
Applying Data Analytics to Customer Experience and Service on Social Media
Recently we interviewed Amir Dekel, Director of Marketing and Communications for ClickFox, a provider of "customer experience analytics." In results…
Forget Derivatives – Hedge Risks with Innovation and Integrated Data
To protect against wild currency swings or volatile commodity costs, one surefire strategy employed by senior managers is hedging risk…
Data Deluge Means No More Leonardo Da Vinci’s
Think of Leonardo da Vinci and such images as “Mona Lisa” or “The Last Supper” probably come to mind. Labeled…
The Unintended Consequences of Combining Technology and Speed
Technology is often hailed as innovation vehicle, productivity booster, and enabler of a higher standard of living for all global…
DM Radio: EDW Mistakes to Avoid
Last week I had the opportunity to participate in a DM Radio interview. There was a panel of several of…
Newsflash: Correlation is Not a Cause!
Just about every data scientist and statistician knows that correlation doesn’t necessarily confirm causation. However, popular business and social literature…
Want Magic? Spill the Secrets of Your Black Box
With the rise of cloud computing, it’s easy to get the impression customers don’t care how a particular process or…
Managing By the Numbers: Penny Wise, Pound Foolish?
Every good business manager loves metrics. After all, the old adage, “You can't manage what you don't measure” still holds…