Before Starting, Consider 5 Reasons Your Big Data Project Will Fail
Whether companies are finding revolutionary ways to use data for personalized recommendations, like Netflix, or getting in trouble for illegally…
The Top 5 Game Changing Uses For The Internet of Things
Not long ago, people were scratching their heads and asking, “What is the internet of things and why should I…
Is Predictive Analytics Solving Challenges In Content Creation?
Big data has played a fundamental role in the evolution of content marketing. The Editorial Staff at states that…
Google Uses Machine Learning To Combat Low Quality Link Spam
Google is one of the companies that has made a name for itself by using big data. The company was…
Peak Irony: Interpersonal Skills In The Age of AI Are More Vital Than Ever
We have published many posts here at Smart Data Collective over the past decade. Many of our posts are meant…
5 Tools That Use Big Data For Social Media Optimization
Big data is changing the nature of digital marketing in ways we never envisioned 20 years ago. This is most…
Geospatial Data Brings Value Across Industries
Location, location, location – place is as significant when buying a house as it is when running a business, growing…
VPS Is A Game Changer for Big Data Sites – Here’s Why
Money is in the data. This statement is truer today than ever before – and the majority of enterprise executives…
Data Lake Details: All About Cloudwick’s CDL
Big data has evolved, due to changes in data storage technology. New data centers, cloud servers, and other types of…
Big Data Is The Driving Force Behind New Colocation Services
Big data is playing a very important role in the future of cloud services. It ensures scalability, while also making…