Latest Marketing News
Big Data, Data Warehousing and the Strata Conference
Having keynoted, spoken at and attended the inaugural O'Reilly Media Strata Conference in Santa Clara over the past few days,…
Social CRM Mainstreaming Continues With Hearsay
I just finished up doing some "judge work" for this year's Gartner/ 1to1 Media CRM Excellence Awards in the category…
The Cost of Social Media
Businesses always seem to be giving away products and services in order to entice people into wanting to buy from…
Who is the MR Heretic?
If you’re a Next Gen market researcher who’s on Twitter or reads blogs, chances are you’ve heard of The Market…
A Text Analytics Commercial
Media Convergence is Finally Happening - DIY Advertising Several years ago social media, and perhaps more specifically new online…
Know Your S#*!: Maximize Web Conversion with A/B Testing
Long before the web existed, savvy direct marketers understood how to identify the copy, graphics, even the paper that resulted…