Gamification and Social Gaming
Gamification and social gaming are two trends that are taking social network communities to an entirely new level. Although very…
Top 10 Ways to Apply Predictive Analytics in the Insurance Industry — and Your Industry?
Actuaries are experts at using mathematics to forecast risk at a human biological level. CAN is the expert at using…
Online Business Model Innovation
The Internet is enabling some very innovative and creative twists on traditional business models. Back in the day (you know,…
Five Subscription Page Absolutes: Ask for the Right Information
It seems basic, but sometimes we forget what should be done when signing people up for our emails.
Predictive Analytics World New York City Conference Announces Speaker Line-Up
New York City, NY – Predictive Analytics World, the business-focused event for predictive analytics professionals, managers and commercial practitioners, today…
Transforming Your Business with Analytics – a Series
I want to share with you the collective wisdom of over 50 companies that have transformed their business using analytics.…
What Is a Klout Score and Why it Is Important
The Klout score is a metric of your total influence online. The higher your Klout score, the larger and more…
Referrals vs Recommendations vs Reviews
I’m in the process of buying a house. So I asked my friends and posted on Twitter for referrals to…