Big Data Analytics: The Key to Data Driven Marketing
Every day, enterprises are amassing mountains of data. In fact, according to IBM, companies have captured more data during the…
Get Rid of Tech Jargon and Start Telling Stories
There is a fine line between success and failure in my opinion. Most businesses in similar industries have much the…
5 Insights Your Traditional Data Won’t Tell You
The traditional relational database has been the mainstay of IT for decades. It offered a reliable way to store and…
Using Big Data to Sell to Individuals Instead of Stereotypes
One of the weaknesses of marketing has always been overgeneralization. Marketers have forever relied on grouping people into categories based…
How Fashion Retailer Nordstrom Drives Innovation With Big Data Experiments
Nordstrom is an American upscale fashion retailer with 225 stores and doing over $ 10 billion in annual sales. John…
How Master Data Management Improves Your Understanding of the Customer
Like other enterprise functions, marketing cannot exist as a silo, especially when it comes to the technologies that are needed…
Solving the Challenge of Customer-Facing Analytics
In times of market volatility, it is more important than ever to forge strong relationships with our customers. Once upon…
Examining Big Data’s Potential In Predictive Marketing
The cost to store and process large amounts of data continues to fall. At the same time, new, simple software…
Marketing Analytics Jobs Jump
MarketShare has witnessed firsthand how major marketing organizations are becoming more data driven, and more focused on marketing analytics, digital attribution…
How Coca-Cola Takes a Refreshing Approach to Big Data
As the world’s largest non-alcoholic beverage company, Coca-Cola generates Petabytes of data from various sources: multi-channel retail data, customer profile…