How Big Data Could Facilitate Selective Perception Marketing
Selective perceptionsThis scenario should be familiar to the many of us. Let’s say you have just purchased a brand new…
Why 360-Degrees Customer Profiles Created With Big Data Are Nothing New
In the past marketing departments had an easy task, which simply was to send messages of all sorts of kind…
Marketing and IT: Building the Company Success
Have you ever wondered how big the gap between marketing and IT is? Can that gap be bridged? There is…
How 250 Milliseconds in Added Latency Can Ruin Online Sales This Holiday Season
In the midst of this holiday shopping season, business owners find themselves facing countless demands to increase profitability. Many businesses…
Time is Money: Milliseconds Matter [INFOGRAPHIC]
Did you know just a one second increase in Amazon's page load time could potientially cost the retail giant $1.6…
5 Ways Big Data Can Help Retailers Get the Most out of the Holiday Season
The holiday shopping season has already begun, and for most retailers it’s an important time of year to boost sales…
Know Your Numbers: The Dollar-Driven Guide to Holiday Emails
Our commerce clients are deep in the throes of holiday season, and with their planning and activity has come an…
Sizing Up Data For CRM: Big Doesn’t Mean Valuable Data
Unless you’ve been a castaway without wireless service for much of the past year, you couldn’t easily ignore all the…
To Repost or Not to Repost?
Businesses are always searching for ways to acquire more customers and hence marketing departments work hard on increasing website traffic…
Uses for Analytics and Big Data in Marketing
It's natural that the varied applications for big data and analytics would extend to endeavors such as marketing. After all, all…