The Rule of Three Works for IT
If you’re a presenter, or simply someone wanting to convey information in a memorable way, you have probably inadvertently or…
Retail is Dead. Long Live Retail!
Retail as we know it is dying. The Internet is the method; ecommerce websites like Amazon, Alibaba, and others who…
A Quick Guide to Structured and Unstructured Data
Big data has opened doors never before considered by many businesses. The idea of utilizing unstructured data for analysis has…
How Big Data Will Change Marketing Forever
On paper, big data is any marketer’s dream come true – thanks to the internet, if a business wants to…
Mobile Advertising, Clustering Algorithms, and Your Ticket for a Free Ride
Because of some pretty bad-ass data science and Google’s ever-increasing awesomeness, it looks like one day in the not too…
Mobile Apps Take Aim at Internet Ad Revenue Dominance (And They’ll Win)
It has finally happened: Internet ad revenue has outperformed the industry's traditional ad spend behemoth — broadcast TV. And it…
How Text Mining Can Help Your Business Dig For Gold
Your customers want to communicate with you. Your partners, employees, potential clients, competitors, press and social media influencers want to…
Marketing Metrics HR Vendors Will Soon Be Paying a Lot of Attention To
In an excellent Barron’s article from earlier this year titled “It’s Not the Earnings, It’s ‘The Metrics’ That Really Matter,” Tiernan…
What the “Small Data” Revolution Means for Marketers
To hear the pundits tell it, Big Data is going to revolutionize everything we do as marketers. By tapping into…
Big Data Is Nothing Without Its Little Brother
We sometimes get so caught up in the hype of big data – the huge, fast moving, complex and diverse…