Are Instagram Stories a Big Data Goldmine?
Instagram Stories is one of the latest features implemented by the social media platform. The Facebook-owned company is incorporating its…
Effective Marketing through Mobile App: How Big Data can Help?
Big Data is big for business strategy and outcome. At a time when the overpouring volume of data is helping…
The Types of Simple Queries Businesses Need to Ask that Spark Growth
“What people think of at the moment of discovery is really the discovery of the question.” – Jonas Salk What…
The Enterprise Graph – From Connections To Customer Insights
Know more, sell more. That’s the bottom-line when looking to introduce graph databases into the enterprise. Graphs are well-known for…
How Artificial Intelligence Will Change the Marketing Profession
Dawn of the AI Marketing Revolution Marketing automation has been around since the late 1990s. However, artificial intelligence has only…
4 Ways You Can Use Big Data to Market to Millennials in 2017
Millennials are making a huge impact on the world. Since passing the Baby Boomers in population in 2012, it was…
5 Dark Data Sources that Lead to Better Marketing Analytics
Marketers have greater opportunities to reach target audiences today than ever before. There are endless ways to engage with prospects…
Long Live KPIs: Innovation is the New Black
You've heard of them all: Myspace, Friendster, LinkedIn (post Microsoft) - all in one day and out the next. Social…
Keeping Sales & Marketing Data in Order: What startups must learn from the enterprise.
Nowadays it’s hard to find a startup CEO or CTO who’s not thinking about how their company can maximize the…
The Global Billboard Advertising Statistics and Dynamics
In the digital age, information has become more readily available. With consumers a mouse click away, it makes senses that…