4 Benefits of the Private Cloud
Let's face it, you could be doing better by your data. Enter: the private cloud. It's a new method of…
Top 10 Questions to Ask When Looking for a Managed Hosting Provider
Choosing a Hosting Provider can be a daunting task. You’ve made the decision that you don’t want to be in…
A Brazen Expose on Big Data in the Government Sector
A few weeks back, I was contacted by Tamsin Rutter of The Guardian’s Public Leaders Network. She asked me if…
How ICD-10 Will Unlock a New Market for Data Analysis
It's not often that healthcare IT (sometimes referred to as HIT) makes national headlines. It's not often that healthcare IT…
5 Top Tools for Government Tech [INFOGRAPHIC]
Over the past few years, cloud computing has become an increasingly popular technology for businesses around the world because of…
How Big Data is Changing IT Careers
A revolution is underway in the business world, one that’s creating whole new opportunities and challenges for those involved in…
Big Data Needs to Work Toward Security Solutions Now Before It’s Too Late
Big data is certainly a buzz word, but it’s not going anywhere. Instead, big data is only getting bigger and…
Top Apps and Programs to Protect Google Nexus Devices
Mobile devices have become prolific, and with that popularity has come an increased need for security. It's simple really: as…
A Complete Guide to Overcoming Executives’ Concerns about Hadoop
CEOs are often critical of adopting new technology, and for good reason. New technology is expensive and all too often…
Analytics Revolution: Why the Struggle for Growth?
IT majors have been excited about the convergence of Social, Cloud, Analytics and Mobility (SCAM). It is widely believed that…