Top Financial Risks of Doing Business in the Cloud
Cloud computing definitely has upside as adopters can speed delivery of analytics, gain flexibility in deployments and costs, and transfer…
Hackers and Honeypots: Getting Things Done
It’s always been fashionable in the cybersecurity industry to throw up our hands and call cyber crime an intractable problem. We don’t…
Hottest Trends in Mobile BI
Although most organizations are in the early stages of adopting mobile business intelligence (BI)
Mobile BI Mistakes: Know Your Organization
In my first book, Why New Systems Fail, I write about the perils of IT projects. Clocking in at over 350…
One Secret for Success in Cloud Computing – Fewer Choices
Retailers have long followed the mantra of “stack it high and watch it fly”. In fact, stores often pile goods…
Analyst: “Every cloud needs SOA behind it:”
In a new research note, Ovum’s Saurabh Sharma makes the case for making sure there is service orientation behind the…
Cloud ERP May Follow Cloud Enterprise Messaging
Think back a couple of decades. If you were a facsimile machine salesman, and had the chance to evaluate enterprise…
Sales Organizations Need a Swift Technology Kick
Our latest benchmark research on sales applications and technology reveals th
A Million Monkeys Demonstrate the Power of Hadoop
There are many great use cases for Apache Hadoop, the open source framework for scalable, reliable, and distributed computing on…
Behind Latest Systems Integration Boom: Cloud, Virtualization and Government
The cloud is disrupting the systems integration market big time, a new study confirms. Will the systems integration industry as…