A Different Strategy for Solvable Problems in Big Data Predictive Analytics
I had a long conversation with James Taylor of Decision Management Solutions the other day. One of the things that…
Stealth IT: Ninjas In The Workplace [INFOGRAPHIC]
The highly empowered mobile user is a disruptive trend most enterprises have yet to come to grips with. This is…
Gartner’s 2012 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies
Since 1995, Gartner has been tracking the development and adoption of new technologies by plotting them on their Hype Cycle,…
When Your Cloud Platform Becomes Your Competition
As more companies turn to cloud computing, social media and online selling platforms to avoid spending budgets on infrastructure, it…
IT has some choice thoughts on users of Business Intelligence
When it comes to how IT views users of business intelligence (BI), most think users have little knowledge of BI…
Location Intelligence: Top 12 industries
Location Intelligence (LI) – the ability to map and compare your spatially significant data with your more traditional metrics captured…
Experts: Location Intelligence unlocks the power of your data
So you’ve heard that over 80 percent of enterprise data has a spatial component (IDC). But what’s Location Intelligence (LI)…
Cloud OPEX vs. CAPEX – Which is the Better Choice?
Among CIOs and CFOs debate swirls regarding how to best budget for and acquire IT resources. The key questions are;…
5 Steps To Winning with Analytics: Have a plan
Numerous business leaders have already come to the conclusion that Business Intelligence (BI) and Analytics backed by data can lend…
CIOs Need to Make Information Management a Real Priority
Our recent benchmark research on information management uncovered some startling facts about the level of technology adoption necessary for efficient information-centric organizations.…