Developing an IT Strategy: Timing
In some companies, IT struggles to find a voice amid the other functional areas of the business – Finance, Operations,…
It’s in the Language We Use… Isn’t It?
By Len Dubois, Sr. Vice President, Marketing & Sales Support, Harte Hanks Trillium Software By Len Dubois, Sr. Vice President,…
Will Pay-Per-Use Pricing Become the Norm?
CIOs across the globe have embraced cloud computing for myriad reasons; however a key argument is cost savings. If a…
2013 IT Spending Trends: Cloud Computing, Mobile and Big Data Projects
As 2012 comes to a close, we look with optimism to 2013 as Gartner predicts that worldwide IT spending will…
Analysis of Cloud ERP Applications
When we analyze Cloud ERP Applications today, we have three major categories to choose from. They include well-funded legacy applications…
PCI & HIPAA Data Breaches of 2012: Lessons Learned
Here’s a review of the top 2012 data breaches within both the PCI and HIPAA compliant industries, and a quick…
Bigger Than Big Data? Mobile User Expectations
How big data is shaping mobile user expectationsBy Jeff Hasen How big data is shaping mobile user expectationsBy Jeff HasenHipcricket Chief…
GoodData Rides BI in the Cloud for Business Value
GoodData has been around since 2007, but it has seen especially explosive growth in the last year due to the fast…
Embracing Chaos: Big Data Could Define A New Steady State for IT
In his new book, Antifragile: Things that Gain from Disorder, Nassim Nicholas Taleb, the bestselling author of The Black Swan, calls “antifragile”…
Data Warehouse “as a Service” – A Good Pick for Mid-Sized Companies
Plenty of mid-sized businesses don’t have the time, talent, or investment dollars to manage a data warehouse environment, much less…