Online Tech Expert Interview: What Is High Availability?
Using a High Availability (HA) architecture can greatly reduce the risk of losing revenue and customers due to a loss…
Cloud Computing and Your Small Biz: Is It a Match Made in Heaven?
Cloud computing — you’ve heard of it, you may even be using it without realizing it. What is it exactly,…
Technology Innovation in 2013: A Business and IT Priority
The proper use of technology enables businesses to be more efficient. Our recent research into technology for business innovation found that 56…
The ABC of Data Capacity Management: Always Be (Thinking) Cloud
Sales personnel have a mantra, “ABC” or “Always Be Closing,” as a reminder to continually drive conversations to selling conclusions…
Who’s Afraid of Native Mobile Application Development?
Who’s afraid of native mobile application development? I can safely say a lot of enterprises. Native mobile application development has…
Dabbling on the Dark Side: An iOSer’s Android Confession
I’ve been an iPhone owner since 2008, when the 3G first came to Canada, although my initial experience with iOS came…
On-Demand Supercomputing
Except for the folks at Cray, most people are unaware of the unique requirements that set apart supercomputing infrastructure from…
Cloud Computing Use Increases Among Supply Chains
Cloud computing has found a place in nearly every industry, from e-commerce and banking to automotive to healthcare, and all…
The Use and Abuse of Big Data
As we begin a new year, we are promised a move from a focus on the meaning and technology of…
Gizmodo and TechCrunch: Full of Trolls and Clowns
In yesterday’s Mobile review, I went on a little (or not so little) rant about Gizmodo and TechCrunch articles decrying…