Rent vs. Buy? The Cloud Conundrum
Over the long-run, is cloud computing a waste of money? Some startups and other “asset lite” businesses seem to think…
Can We Really Trust Big Data?
There has been a lot of discussion about big data. What it is. What it can do, and what it…
Chatting with Your Computer: How the iPhone’s Siri Compares with IBM’S Watson
IBM's Watson computer, which defeated the two all-time human champs on the TV quiz show Jeopardy! in 2011, is a glowing example…
How M2M Data Will Dominate the Big Data Era
Machine-to-Machine data is likely to increase drastically in the coming years. More and more applications are being equipped with sensors…
Examining Big Data’s Potential In Predictive Marketing
The cost to store and process large amounts of data continues to fall. At the same time, new, simple software…
3 Big Trends in Data Visualization
Data visualization is core to business intelligence (BI), as it’s the means by which data is communicated to the user.…
A Cleaner Cloud?
An article in the Science & Space section of the Times argues that the digital economy is a threat to…
Financial Industry Increases Private Cloud Spending in 2013 reports that a recent survey conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers indicates that 71 percent of financial service executives intend to invest…
Ensuring Cloud Vendor Security Transparency in the Age of Data Breaches
Gartner recently released recommendations for gaining transparency into cloud software as a service (SaaS) contracts – including emphasis on annual…
EMR Implementation: It’s Not About the Technology, It’s About Managing Change
After noticing “tremendous push back and a tremendous need for support” as healthcare organizations face unprecedented demand for electronic medical…