Marketing and IT: Building the Company Success
Have you ever wondered how big the gap between marketing and IT is? Can that gap be bridged? There is…
Opportunity for the Office of Finance in 2014
Senior finance executives and finance organizations that want to improve their performance must recognize that technology is a key tool…
Now Lawyers Can Use the Cloud, Too
Guest post written by Shawn Gordon. "What's a Google Drive?" Guest post written by Shawn Gordon. "What's a Google Drive?" I was having lunch recently…
3 Reasons Hadoop is Heading to the Cloud
Cloud computing and big data have been vying for the attention of business owners for several years now. Both initiatives…
Google and Apache Hadoop: A Match Made in the Cloud
To the uninitiated, words like “Google” and “Hadoop” sound like the stuff of a futuristic make-believe world. Being that the…
Debunking Five Cloud Computing Myths
For the third year in a row, cloud computing is one of the top three technology investments for CIOs. However,…
How Big Data Can Improve Manufacturing Quality
We’ve all heard countless examples of how big data can help companies with their marketing efforts and getting a better…
7 Enterprise Storage Terms You Should Know
Enterprise storage is a critical component of any large business. It varies from personal or small business storage, in that…
3 Tips for Selling Your Boss on Big Data
For more and more businesses, big data analytics is becoming a valuable tool for gaining new insights and creating competitive…
A High Availability Cloud Platform Could Save Your Bacon
When asked what they value most about the cloud, companies often respond that the crucial factor is reliability. There are…