Criteria for Determining Which SaaS Platform to Choose
For every SaaS entrepreneur in B2B, choosing the right platform is one of the first and most important decisions you…
B2B Software Startups: The SaaS Platform Dilemma
SaaS has considerably reduced B2B software development costs. Think about ten years ago and the products and services you had…
Rent vs. Buy? The Cloud Conundrum
Over the long-run, is cloud computing a waste of money? Some startups and other “asset lite” businesses seem to think…
Can We Really Trust Big Data?
There has been a lot of discussion about big data. What it is. What it can do, and what it…
A Cleaner Cloud?
An article in the Science & Space section of the Times argues that the digital economy is a threat to…
Financial Industry Increases Private Cloud Spending in 2013 reports that a recent survey conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers indicates that 71 percent of financial service executives intend to invest…
Ensuring Cloud Vendor Security Transparency in the Age of Data Breaches
Gartner recently released recommendations for gaining transparency into cloud software as a service (SaaS) contracts – including emphasis on annual… Is Full of Surprises
Anyone who follows is used to surprises, but over the last couple of months the company has come up…
Cloud-Based BI for On-Premise Data
The title of this article is no oxymoron. Why should cloud-based Business Intelligence (Cloud BI) solutions be limited to cloud-based…
What the Sharing Economy Means for Cloud Computing
The sharing movement is in full swing. Innovative “collaborative consumption” companies are helping pool under-utilized assets such homes, boats, cars…