When Big Data Loses to the Anecdote
It’s highly possible that in your next business meeting, you may have data; you may have a solid analysis and…
A Cautionary Tale of Data Governance
Data governance is for geeks?Think that master data management is boring and never gets the attention of your senior management?< Data governance…
Balanced Teams Necessary for Big Data Initiatives
Due to the amount of time that people in the tech and enterprise worlds spend talking about big data and…
Sizing Up Data For CRM: Big Doesn’t Mean Valuable Data
Unless you’ve been a castaway without wireless service for much of the past year, you couldn’t easily ignore all the…
CERN: A Case Study in “Big Science” Data Management
The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) became a poster-child for organizing and processing enormous quantities of data during its…
Modernizing the Data Center: A Real Company Case Study
THE CHALLENGE Develop a personalized data center solution with a like-minded partner. THE CHALLENGE Develop a personalized data center solution…
Managing Data Scientists
With the rise of the 'Data Scientist', a lot has been said about the definition, role, qualifications and skills of…
Is Data Less Secure in a Cloud Environment? [VIDEO]
Online Tech’s Senior Product Architect Steve Aiello continues his data security series of videos on data encryption by dispelling the…
What If We Could Feel the Big Data Sugar Rush Faster?
The Halloween candy aisle has me thinking about all the tricks and treats that exist in the quest drive meaningful…
Science Needs to Be Less Certain
A disturbing trend is afoot, where key topics in science are increasingly considered beyond debate—or in other words settled. However,…