Hadoop: A Storage Platform as Well as Analysis Tool?
Data warehouses are a critical component for enterprises seeking to gain insights from the data they collect, but as the…
Be Wary of the Science of Hiring
Like it or not, “people analytics” are here to stay. But that doesn’t mean companies should put all their eggs…
What Identity Means: Implications for Customer Data Management and Integration
Lately, I’ve been bothered by the word identity. Seems I run into it all the time in reference to identity…
The Control of Personal Data by Large Powerful Corporations [VIDEO]
Nicholas Carr, Pulitzer Prize Finalist for his book, "The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains," discusses the…
In the World of Digital Storage, Size Does Matter [INFOGRAPHIC]
We all understand how many megabytes your holiday pictures require or that High Definition video runs in the Gigabytes, but…
Who Has My Personal Data?
In order to prepare for the cooking gauntlet that often occurs with the end of year holiday season, I decided…
5 Webapps to Add to Your Security Tool Arsenal
When you’re mobile, away from the office, or just caught off-guard without your tools and security setup, you need a…
Living Without a Trace of Big Data
I’ve watched over a number of months as major digital providers across handsets, telecommunications, internet services and virtually every other…
3 Big Data Technology Blunders You Must Avoid
Big Data can transform business thinking, if the business transforms how it thinks about Big Data. Big Data can transform…
Ensuring Data Security With Cloud-Based E-Signature
In June 2000, the US Congress enacted a law that is seen as a milestone for the digital landscape. Called…