Law Firms: You Need Enterprise Level Cyber Security
Long ago, it was up to the IT department to protect a company’s data from cyber thieves and internal security…
Cybersecurity Lessons from the Brickerbot Outbreak
The Brickerbot virus took the world by storm last week. It was one of the most devastating forms of malware…
3 Reasons Your SMB Isn’t Growing
Growing a small or medium business is no easy task. There’s so much to think about, from finding office space,…
The Types of Simple Queries Businesses Need to Ask that Spark Growth
“What people think of at the moment of discovery is really the discovery of the question.” – Jonas Salk What…
The Data Is In: Finding Affordable Car Loans
In these modern times, public transportation and rideshare options like Uber are on the rise as more and more Americans…
Backing Up SQL Server Databases Hosted on Azure VMs
Azure virtual machines are great solutions for hosting SQL data. However, if the servers are stored to capacity, backing up…
Thinking Efficiency: IT, OT, And The Issue Of Migration
In today?s modern, data-driven business environments, we talk IT all the time. In fact, many consider IT to be the…
What New Privacy Protections Could Mean for Cloud Businesses
Imagine if you or your company were storing controversial information on a cloud or other SaaS (storage as a service)…
Data Management and Security Best Practices
In a time when nearly every aspect of our society is managed online, we must focus on ensuring the security…
Digital Strategy and Data – The Critical Connective Tissue
In my previous posts, I’ve talked about the first three components of your Great Digital Strategy – things you would…