Kahneman and Data Management: A Critique of ‘Thinking Fast and Slow’
Let’s try a test. Organization ABC has deployed top-tier enterprise software. It has hired an army of expensive consultants who…
Big Data Analytics a Key Enabler for Social CRM – Airlines Case Study
Big Data Analytics is a hot topic of discussion these days. But many feel that it is more of a…
A Swarm of Nano Quadrotors: The flying robot video you absolutely must watch
As you watch the video below you can form your own conclusions about this natural evolution of robotics. But I’ll…
What Does It Take to Be a User Experience Designer?
This is a Usabilla guest post by Niko Nyman. I love good products.
IT: Get the Emphasis on the Right Word (Hint: It’s not the ‘T’)
There is a lot of chatter as the New Year starts as to what each vendor is going to bring…
The ‘Big Data’ Buzz – Revolution or Evolution?
‘Big data’ is THE hot new business buzzword of 2012. In this article I want to explore whether big data…
Big Data, Enterprise Data and Discrete Data
Total Data Management The data management world is buzzing about big data. Many are the number of blog posts articles…
Maximizing the Business Value of Big Data
We are experiencing an information revolution that provides companies with unprecedented opportunities to capitalize on the mountains of data being…