Analyzing Enterprise Text? Don’t Use Sentiment Out of Context
Broadly Applied Sentiment Analysis May Lead to Unrequited Love Enterprise text is similar to social media data in that in…
Remedial Math: Understanding TCO and ROI
During my recent travels there were a lot of comments around either the cost of a data warehouse or the…
“It is the human friction that makes the sparks”
From Jonah Lehrer, Brainstorming Doesn’t Really Work (via Stowe Boyd):
Selling Data Mining to Management
Preparing data and building data mining models are two very well documented steps of analytics projects. However, whatever interesting your…
CIO Becomes the New CMO!
Marketing budgets are now larger than IT budgets & growing faster says Gartner. By 2017, Gartner says that CMO’s will…
Taking a Dimension-Free View of Data
One of the biggest challenges facing businesses today is the intimidating nature of big data.
LightSquared vs FCC: What is the right position?
An issue I’d recommend all free thinking technologists dive into is the current technological trades facin
Big Brother… or do I mean Big Data?
"Social networks already know who you know", "recommendation engines get much smarter", "early detection mitigates catastrophes".
Big data and social analytics
Commenting on one of the interesting things when businesses try to install a new social platform within the enterprise, Marie…
Design Is Not Science: an Interview With Nate Bolt
Nate Bolt is the co-founder and president of Bolt | Peters, a research and design firm specializing in remote usability,…