Yo-Yo Ma, Social Scientist
What can we learn from a cello player?By Roger WoodFounder (ART+DATA) Institute Traditional Chinese: 马友友 What can we learn from a…
Using Your Human Database to Select a Database
I had the pleasure of speaking with veteran data architecture expert, and Soliber.net columnist, Tcat Houser. I reached out to…
Advice for the Aspiring Data Scientist
It’s been well-documented throughout the blogosphere over the past few weeks, but every time I read it, I’m still a…
Analytics is Sexy: Let’s Make It Work!
I wrote earlier about this huge gap between talking about analytics and being able to actually make a large impact…
How to Achieve Equilibrium Between Business Users and IT
A geochemist named James Lovelock once theorized that a fundamental characteristic of all life is not just the need to…
Are You Reporting What You Can?…Or What You Should?
Too many organizations are missing opportunities to use their data and analytics as a competitive advantage. Often leaders believe that…
Data Governance: Managing Data as an Asset
I always find it interesting when people pile onto the company’s latest and most popular project or initiative. People love…
SDC to Co-sponsor Ventana Research’s Biz-Tech Innovation Summit
The summit offers a guide on the rapid changes in technology, providing insight into where the industry will go over…
Technology’s Impact on Accounting and Business
I recently participated in a panel discussion—which was (perhaps esoterically) titled “The Relationship Between Information Systems and Accounting In Practice:…
Business Intelligence and Why You Need It
Everybody’s talking about business intelligence (BI), and with good reason. Implementing an effective and comprehensive BI strategy is critical to…