More analytics in the cloud
Having posted about Zementis - a company that allows you to deploy analytic models into the amazon coud - before…
Baby Dashboard 2.0
A couple years ago we released our first baby dashboard design. I’ll admit it was a bit rudimentary. It tracked…
Baconators, Batteries, and BI
Many organizations have a "Just the Facts, Ma'am" attitude, which misses the point of BI. Having the world's largest data…
Storing and Mapping Your Life in 3D
Storing and Mapping Your Life in 3DYou collect an ever-increasing variety of documents, such as images, web pages and contact…
Analytics In A Global Recession: Fixed Price Operational Dashboard
As the world economy moves towards a potential global recession companies are asking about how could they could optimized their…
Does jargon sell tech products or not?
Those of us in the tech world who shun jargon may forever remain an underclass. We may never rise to…
Fraud Prediction – Decision Trees & Support Vector Machines
My first thought when I was asked to learn and use Oracle Data Mining (ODM) was, “Oh no! Yet another…
Protecting Email Reputation Locally and Globally
As cases of fraud and criminal activity are known to increase during the holiday season, online criminals will find more creative ways…
The Parable of the Turkey
Global business executives, are you prepared for an uncertain future? If not, consider the parable of the turkey for guidance.Will…
What is Cloud Computing, Anyway? Cloud computing is the kind of…
What is Cloud Computing, Anyway? Cloud computing is the kind of wide-ranging initiative that different people can look at from…