Book Review: Advanced Presentations by Design
Presentation guru Andrew Abela recently published his first book Advanced Presentations by Design. Abela shares his 10-step technique for developing…
book review “Data Preparation For Data Mining”
Just before Christmas I bought myself yet another data mining book (i have a few dozen). This one somehow slipped…
Data Mining Blog: Neural Market Trends
If you're interested in data mining and the financial market, this blog is definitely for you. In Neural Market Trends,…
SaaS business development
There is a great group discussion regarding cloud computing at Google Groups. In one thread titled Brutal reality of SaaS...…
The Achilles’ Heel of SaaS: the processor vendors Intel and IBM
Whereas the current SaaS offerings are dominated by the automation of standard workflows such as CRM, HR, and Accounting, the…
Grid versus Cloud Computing
From the end user perspective, the short answer to the question "What is the difference between grid computing and cloud…
Bluehouse is in public beta
IBM announced cloud computing applications at Lotusphere in January of this year. A service called Bluehouse is a web-delivered social…
Google and Amazon as Benchmarkers
One of the most interesting aspects of cloud computing is the opportunity for benchmarking. Instead of paying market research firms…
Windows Server on Amazon EC2
As soon as I finished yesterday's blog entry, I became aware of a posting by Amazon's CTO, Werner Vogels, where…
IT as a Business: or IaaB
Whereas SaaS is predominantly a Business Process Outsourcing trend, Cloud Computing is predominantly an IT operation outsourcing trend. IBM and…