A paradigm shift is happening in business, industry, and…
A paradigm shift is happening in business, industry, and investing: manufacturers, corporations and investors are finding out that it pays…
A startup hopes to tap into the expertise of developing nations…
A startup hopes to tap into the expertise of developing nations via cell phones. (via Technology Review: Crowd-Sourcing the World)…
Does President Obama’s Chief Performance Officer Validate Performance Management?
What could be a better validation for the progress of the performance management framework than having President Obama create the…
Intro to the Semantic Web The idea of a “Semantic…
Intro to the Semantic Web The idea of a “Semantic Web” has always been a little hard to grasp, but…
Mr Obama, smarten these systems!
Like millions of my fellow Americans I listened to our new President today. As I did I was struck by…
A Visual Delight – Inauguration Day Helicopter Lesson
New York City From a Different Perspective Seconds after watching Obama get sworn in on the TV in the pilots…
Affiliate Summit West
I think I speak for all LashBack attendees when I say I had a great time in Vegas last week. …
Expanding the value of dashboards across the organization
Lately I've been researching the data visualization space and how dashboards really benefit organizations. The general value of dashboards may…
re: “Thoughts on Understanding Neural Networks”
Great post by Gordon Linoff the the Data Miners.com Blog about visualising Neural Networkshttp://www.data-miners.com/blog/2009/01/thoughts-on-understanding-neural.htmlI usually get better predictive success using…
Business Intelligence & Data Warehousing Fizzles (Too Much Hype): 9 for ’09
Break out the hype translation dictionary! Google the new term you just heard from your fellow colleague or consultant and…