Apple, DRM & Content Protection
Image via CrunchBase The music industries decision to do away with DRM, which has lead to Apple’s ability to offer…
New RockSolid product site
We have launched the new RockSolid product site here:
Twitter @ddata Discuss Data bot
Image via CrunchBase If you use twitter then this may be interesting, I have launched a twitter based “Discuss Data”…
Who cares about your data?
Image via Wikipedia JournalSpace, a blogging website which had been around for 6 years but failed recently when their server…
What is Hadoop?
Image via CrunchBase Ok so you are setting out to build the next Google and are considering using a Map/Reduce…
Surviving the downturn lesson #73431
Image by kris247 via Flickr While there have been hundreds of posts recently about how to stay positive and how…
RockSolid Cloud Services Edition
Today we have announced our Cloud Services Edition of RockSolid. This edition is specifically targeted to organizations that provide SQL…
Is love for Twitter blind?
Image via CrunchBase Oh Twitter, Twitter, Twitter. In almost every respect Twitter has been a perfect example of how not…
Top 10 Data Management Issues for 2009
So it’s that time of year again when everyone puts out their predictions for the year ahead. I think predictions…