Guest Interview with Chris Rasmussen: Looking at Government 2.0 Social Tools
Four months ago, amid a summary of Uncle Sam’s social networking applications used by the U.S. Intelligence Community, I mentioned…
Looking Back at 14 Years of White House Website Designs…in Pictures
There’s been a lot of talk over the past week about the new look of, from its blue hues…
Are You Watching the Watchers?
I am not a parent but when I think back to my youth, I remember asking questions. I remember asking…
RockSolid Cloud Services Edition
Today we have announced our Cloud Services Edition of RockSolid. This edition is specifically targeted to organizations that provide SQL…
Is love for Twitter blind?
Image via CrunchBase Oh Twitter, Twitter, Twitter. In almost every respect Twitter has been a perfect example of how not…
ReBlog: On Why I Don’t Like Auto-Scaling in the Cloud
George Reese posted the following on the O'Reilly Blog "I enter into sales meetings getting clients excited about dynamic scaling…
My definition of a Cloud service
Image by akakumo via Flickr There has been some debate on a few sites the last couple of days about…
Why PC’s still suck
Image via Wikipedia Yesterday afternoon I was showing my son some funny songs he liked on YouTube. The last one…
Kickfire: Data Analytics for the Masses
You may not realize it, but the data analytics market is buzzing. There are new vendors emerging, new products popping…
Silicon Kelly
Silicon Kelly is a community of companies that are working together to raise the profile of the bustling technology sector…