Human evolution is speeding up
IFTF's Future Now: Human evolution is speeding up OK, and now to complete an "Alex triple play", here's a post…
The true scope is unknowable, a priori
The best question asked this week: What, exactly, are you trying to prove? Reg, nailing it as usual. Hey, I…
“Corporate life and the life of the mind”
"Corporate life and the life of the mind" Alex Soojung-Kim Pang writes a great blog. He's a research director at…
No one needs application servers or big, stupid ESBs
Eric Newcomer, IONA VIP the industry changes the product designs have to change to keep pace. Nobody needs more…
Kisha – RESTful workflow on Rails
restful workflow engine Like Aloof, John Mettreaux is definitely in the "people who sit down and get things done" camp,…
POSH spice – tastes good to me
POSH - Plain Old Semantic HTML | 456 Berea Street Roger Johansson invents a new acronym, albeit with tongue firmly…
We have seen the enemy, and…
IT's time to stop blaming management As soon as we decide that developers may only use one of the tools…
Project Zero doing interesting work…
Restful SOA Pumped on REST Full disclosure: I don't really like WebSphere. If I'm being completely straight with you, the…
RedMonk reports: SAP gets it, woe to those who don’t
Open, Social, Only People: Putting the Ad-hoc into ERP. On SAP, Breakthrough Productivity and Bring Sexy Back Doug’s position is…
Sandy Kemsley gives us a glimpse of what happened to Fuego
ALBPM 6.0 - Column 2 They’re adding RSS feeds to ALBPM to be able to get a feed of a…