Where Was the Best Place to Work in the US in 2008?
I forgot to post this last year -- better late than never... Click on the image below to see survey…
A More Complete List of 2009 Business Intelligence Predictions?
Following on from previous post on 2009 Business Intelligence Predictions -- I missed a few: Marcus Borba: BI Predictions for…
Good Advice for Bad Times?
Following the lead of Dave Kellogg (i.e. shamelessly copying), here's a link to an excellent article on "Counter-Intuitive Tactics for…
Gartner BI Europe 2009: The BIg Discrepancy?
The official theme of the Gartner BI Summit Europe a couple of weeks ago was "the BIg discrepancy": the long-standing…
Companies Can’t Afford to Use BI to Cut Costs?
I talked about this research in a previous post, but thought it was worth pulling out the charts to show…
Data Governance? What’s That? (And How Can Companies Fix It?)
A recent survey of business and IT leaders carried out by Kalido shows that over two thirds of businesses have…
It Would Have Been a Crime not to Include Analytics in This New Application
Today, SAP launched SAP Investigative Case Management for Public Sector, a new solution to support police and other investigating authorities…
Bad Decisions: Just Blame Evolution?
February 12th 2009 will mark the 200th anniversary of the birth of naturalist Charles Robert Darwin. He researched, popularized,…
Measuring the benefits of Business Intelligence
This post is based on some comments that I made on an article by Dorothy Miller at IT Business Edge.…
Coffee with “Tiberius”
I ran into one of my first and best TDWI friends this morning. Even after all this time, he cannot…